Monday, June 15, 2009

sensory profile

Sensory Profile is a standard method for professional to measure child’s sensory processing abilities and to profile the effect of sensory processing on functional performance of daily life of a child. SSP can be used for children 3-10 years old. In Sensory Profile, there is Caregiver Questionnaire that needs to be filled by the caregiver and interpreted by the examiner. There also Summary Score Sheet that need to be filled by the examiner to find out the exact problem of the child using the information filled by the caregiver in the caregiver questionnaire. In the Caregiver Questionnaire, the caregiver needs to check the box that best describes the frequency with which the child does the behavior that stated in the questionnaire.
The examiner needs to fill the summary score sheet to interpret the caregiver questionnaire and find out the child’s exactly problem in sensory processing. In summary score sheet, there are four parts that needs to be filled by the examiner. First part provides space to record demographic data of the child. Second part is the factor grid. Each factor is divided into three columns. First column contains the icon to indicate the category from which the item originated. Second column contains the item number that corresponds to the item number in the caregiver questionnaire. The third column contains the item raw scores.
Item number that corresponds to the item number in the caregiver questionnaire.
Item raw scores.
One of the factor taken from the factor grid.
Icon to indicate the category from which the item originated. Ex: this icon indicate visual category

Third part is the Factor Summary. The factor summary provides an additional way to consider the child’s scores. The examiner has to transfer the child’s score for each factor to the corresponding Factor Raw Score total column on the Factor Summary. Plot the child’s factor raw score total by marking an ‘x’ in the appropriate classification column, that correspond to the raw score total for each factor.

Fourth part is the Section Summary. The section summary provides a summary for the child’s sensory processing, modulation and behavior/ emotional response abilities. The examiner have to transfer the child’s score for each section from the caregiver questionnaire to the corresponding column labeled section raw score total. Mark an ‘x’ in the classification column that correspond the raw score total for each section.

If the

If the child is classified as definite difference, the child is interpreted as having problem with the sensory processing. If the child classified as probable difference, the child has questionable areas of sensory processing abilities. Typical performance indicates that the child has typical sensory abilities (normal).

Sensory profile also provides Modul Category that contains of the interpretation of the score and helps the examiner to plan treatment based on the child’s problem. Example: (for sensory seeking category).
Modul Category
Associated Factor
Related Section Headings
Behavior Indicators
Intervention Approach
Sensation seeking
- Factor 1(sensory seeking)

- Section H (modulation related to body position and movement)
-continuosly engaging
Incorporate additional sensory input into the child’s routines so that thresholds can be met while conducting daily life.
In paediatrics area, an occupational therapist needs to use play therapy and behavior modification to cooperate with the patient. Be patient with the patient that always crying or don’t want to mplement treatment. Children needs time to suit themselves in new situation, people or place. That’s why OT is all about love, patient and empathy. That’s all that I can share with the readers. Good luck to all. Don’t afraid to ask your senior if you have any question.

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