Monday, May 31, 2010


Memory can be divided into long term and short term memory(working memory).

  • There are three main components of working memory: central executive, phonological loop, visuospatial sketchpad. Central executive controls the processing in other components of working memory by the allocation of attention to each one. (control for shared attention) ex: listening to a conversation while reading the newspaper.
Phonological loop stores speech based information in a phonological store (inner ear) and verbally rehearses it in the same order (inner voice). In speaking and reading, several words are held long enough make sense of the words that follow. Words can enter the phonological store directly from ear, from rehearsal of written or spoken words, and from LT memory for names of object or people. (cth: macam kalau kite buat homework byk kali, sambil menulis kita sebut dalam hati (innervoice) jadi, ape yang kite sebut akan masuk dalam phonological store kite.)

The visuospatial sketchpad stores visual and spatial information entering from the eye over few seconds in time. ( cth: macam guna flashcard utk blajar ttg object, use visual to know the shape, characteristic and name of the object).

The working memory model offers an account of how the abundance of sensory information comtinually entering the brain is processed over a brief period of time before passing on to the other components of the perceptual and cognitive system.

  • For long term memory, can be divided into semantic, episodic and procedural. Semantic is the general knowledge of facts and episodic is about time and place. Procedural is knowledge that we got through doing something. It related with "knowing how". Autobiographical memory is memory about time and place also but it is about significant event for the person. As an OT, we must know in which type of memory is impaired to assist us in knowing functional problem and planning intervention for patient.

Lost in autobiographical memory may lead to low self-esteem, and distressed.