Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Experience doing clinical in Psychiatric area..

Psychiatric is an interesting area between the three area (physical, paeds and psy).Doing clinical practice in psychiatric is a very valuable moments that I have ever had.

In psychiatric, as all normal people know, we can see variety of abnormal behavior such as screaming, talking to self, sudden laughing and harm self or others. But what normal people doesn't know is these patient is stable when they get their medicine. They can be like other people and sometimes we will misunderstood them as normal people.

The question is, why this people can make friend aith the other patient in the institution but they cannot make even one close friend in normal surrounding? From my observation, these people is a victims. Victim of stress situation that can lead to mental ilness. Situation such as cheat by other especially closed people (e.g. spouse, beloved, friend). Some patient comes from good background and have history of working as an engineer, teacher and policeman. Due to bankruptcy, beloved death and work stress, these people got stress and unable to deal with stesss, they got mental illness.

Before doing practice in this area, I will never know that these patient can recover although not fully recover. Some of the patient in the institutionalization that has live in the institution for a long time has not only develop good behavior, ut they also has send to work by an occupational therapist. I am so amazed to see some of them have develop a close and unbreakable bond between them that we call frinedship. Their friendship is really uniqe. One of the example that I can see is a pair of female patient that always together whereever they go.I represents these patient as X and Y. X speaks with low voice and sometimes unable to understand by others. However, due to long time friendship that have exist,Y can understand every single word that X say. so, whenever I want to talk with X, I will ask her friend to translate for me. Sometimes, I could see Y encourage X during activity. Y also explain to X sometimes when X difficult to understand my instruction. During mealtime, X save half of her fried fish to gives to Y's cat that she lokk after in the ward. How beautiful their friendship are.

Well, by this short article, I hope some of normal people will realize that these patients are also people like us. They also have their needs, wants and they also develop as a people day after day. So, for family that doesn't want to accept the patient's back, do visit patient because they also needs your love.