Saturday, August 22, 2009

Methods Used in OT Evaluation in Psychosocial Rehab

The most basic methods used by OT:

  1. clinical observation - therapist observe patient's verbal and non-verbal cues. Verbal cues such as comments that the patient makes as an aside or to family members, other clients or directly to the therapist. Non-veerbal cues included patient facial expression, body language, gestures, or signs of depression, anxiety, sadness and pleasure.
  2. projective testing - use unstructured but standardized procedure to gain insight into client's personality structure and dynamics of behavior.
  3. machine monitoring - this procedure involves the recording of physiological and motor responses, such as in biofeedback training and muscle reeducation. Examples of machine monitoring include heart rate monitor, Electromyogram(EMG), and blood pressure cuff.
  4. initial interview- this method provides opportunity to establish alliance between therapist and client. During initial interview, therapist evaluating the client's personal strengths and weaknesses, interests and level of motivation.
  5. functional task-this method require client to accomplish simulated tasks. this method used to evaluate client's ability to perform Activity of Daily Living and self-care activities with or without assistance. Such activities might include personal hygiene, feeding or cooking and driving a mobile.
  6. work sampling- this methods needs client to do well-defined activities that similar to those performed on actual job. This method can be used to assess vocational attitude, vocational interest, and work characteristics. Examples of work samples include test published by Valpar.
  7. behavioral assessment-these assessment rates the clients as he or she perform the task in unstructured manner or non-standardized setting.
  8. standardized test- These are published and unpublished test that have standardized procedure, normative data, validity and reliability.
  9. computerized assessment- A number of instruments has been adapted to computer to ease of scoring and analysis.
  10. self-report inventories- checklists and surveys filled out by the client either alone or in company of the therapist comprise this method. The information gathered are 'self-reporte' by the client.

source:Psychosocial Occupational Therapy;A Hollistic Approach

(F.Stein,Susan K)